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Saturday, August 31, 2013

Creating the Time Dimension table in Pentaho Data Integration (Kettle)

In my previous post, we had seen how to create the Date Dimension table using Pentaho Data Integration (Kettle). In this post, we will see how to create a Time dimension in Kettle.

It is recommended that Time dimension be a separate dimension from the Date. In that spirit, I created the following transformation in Kettle. It contains the following 10 steps.

1. Launch Kettle
2. Generate Rows for processing and setup variables
3. Convert Date to Epoch Time
4. Create sequence for incrementing time in milliseconds
5. Create sequence for incrementing identifier
6. Increment time and identifier with newly created sequences
7. Convert time in milliseconds back to Date
8. Output contents to a text file
9. Extract time out of the incremented date

Step 1: Launch Kettle

Launch Pentaho Data Integration (Kettle or GeoKettle) on your local machine. Create a new transformation by clicking on File > New Transformation.

Step 2: Generate Rows for processing and setup variables

Make sure you are in design mode. Expand the Input section on Steps menu on the side and navigate to Generate Rows step.

Drag the Generate Rows step across to the work area as shown below, and drop it in the work area.

Right click on the Generate Rows step and enter the following information

  1. Step Name: Generate Rows
  2. Limit : 1440

In the fields column, add the following field

  1. Name: START_TIME
  2. Type: Integer
  3. Format: ####
  4. Value: 0000

Click on the row to add a second field. Add the following parameters for this field

  1. Name: REAL_TIME
  2. Type: Date
  3. Format: yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss
  4. Value: 1970/01/01 00:00:00

Step 3: Convert Date to Epoch Time

Next add “Select Values” from the Transform section of the Design tab. Select Values control allows us to change and modify the datatype of any variable in the flow. After dropping the step in the workspace, connect it to the preceding step using a hop as shown in the adjacent figure.

Now Edit the step to enter the following configuration information to convert Real time to an Integer. Doing so, converts the time to its Epoch time in milliseconds. To do so, we enter the following information.

  1. Fieldname: REAL_TIME
  2. Type: Integer

Step 4: Create sequence for incrementing time in milliseconds

Next we add a Sequence to our flow, and connect it to the preceding step as shown in the screenshots below. The sequence will increment our time in milliseconds derived in the previous step, by one minute intervals.

Edit the step in the transformation to enter the following information.

  1. Step name: Millisecond Sequence
  2. Name of value: MS_Increment
  3. Use counter to calculate sequence:
  4. Start at value: 0
  5. Increment by: 60000
  6. Maximum value: 86400000

Click OK to continue.

Step 5: Create sequence for incrementing identifier

Now add another sequence to the transformation as shown below and connect it to the preceding hop as shown below.

We can enter the following configuration for the newly added sequence.
  1. Step name: Time_Since
  2. Name of value: Time_Since
  3. Use counter to calculate sequence:
  4. Start at value: 0
  5. Increment by: 1
  6. Maximum value: 1440

Step 6: Increment time and identifier with newly created sequences

Next, we need to add a calculator to the flow.

We need to configure the calculator by adding two calculations. First calculation adds the numeric sequence to our identifier, and second sequence adds Millisecond increments to our time.

For the first field, enter the following details.

New field: INC_TIME
Calculation: A+B
Field B: Time_Since
Remove: N

For the next field, add the following parameters.

New field: CALC_TIME
Calculation: A+B
Field B: MS_Increment
Value type: Integer
Remove: N

Here is how the dialog box looks on my screen.

Click OK to continue.

Step 7: Convert time in milliseconds back to Date

Next step is to convert the calculated time from integer back to Date. To do this, we add another Select Values step to our transformation.

Make the following configuration changes in the newly added step.

Fieldname: CALC_TIME
Type: Date
Binary to Normal?: N
Format: yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss

Click OK to continue

Step 8: Output contents to a text file

The final step is to output the contents to a text file

For this we add a “File Text Output” step to our transformation.

The Text File Output step, as the name suggests outputs the results to a text file.

Edit the “Text File Ouput” step, and make the following changes.

On the File tab, set the name of the output file. I have set it to simply “log” and the Extension to txt. This will create a file called log.txt in the output folder.

Step 9: Extract time out of the incremented date

Before clicking OK, switch to the Fields tab, and make the following entries.

Retain the following two fields.

  1. Field 1 details are as follows
    • Name: Time_Since
    • Type: Integer
    • Precision: 0

  1. Field 2 details are as follows
    • Name: CALC_TIME
    • Type: Date
    • Format: HH:mm:ss

The following screenshot shows these changes as on my screen.

Click Ok. 

Step 10: Save and Test the Transformation

Save the transformation using the floppy icon on toolbar or File > Save on drop down menu.

Now, we need to run it using the Launch button.

Clicking this button launches the following screen.

Click the Launch button and the transformation starts executing.

The Execution Results window shows the results in a bottom pane.

Opening the log file, we can see the following results.

That's it, we are done.