Installation of latest version of
PostgreSQL on Ubuntu is easy. Simply open a command prompt
(Ctrl-Alt-T) and enter the following command.
$sudo apt-get install postgresql
Once done, we can see that the
necessary files have been copied and the service started.
Next we need to set a password for the
postgres user.
The commands for doing these are as
-u postgres psql postgres
On psql, enter the following commands
# \password postgres
You will be asked to enter the password again, and you are done. You may also want to change the default password for the Ubuntu postgres user. You can do that by entering the following command
$ sudo passwd postgres
and entering the new password
You can test the login by entering the following command and supplying the newly created password
$ su - postgres
Next step could be to allow network level users to login, which you can setup following my previous blog post "Setting up Postgresql for Accepting Password Connections".
$ sudo passwd postgres
and entering the new password
You can test the login by entering the following command and supplying the newly created password
$ su - postgres
Next step could be to allow network level users to login, which you can setup following my previous blog post "Setting up Postgresql for Accepting Password Connections".