In the previous post, we had looked at
generating a uniform set of discrete arrivals using R statistical
package and the rpois function within R. We will use the example of
cars arriving in a parking lot. Instead of a uniform distribution, we
will consider a time varying distribution with two peaks.
At a high level, these are the steps..
1. Download and Install package for
non-homogenous poisson distribution
2. Generate a bi-modal distribution for
car arrivals through a day
3. Generate a non homogenous poisson
event data using the bimodal distribution as an input.
To generate time-dependent arrival
data, we need to use a different package that is now available in R
as a library.
Downloading and Installing NHPoisson package
The package is called NHPoisson. To
install it, we need to run R with administrative privileges. In
Ubuntu, the command will be
$ sudo R
Enter the password to continue.
Next we need to install the NHPoisson
package. We can do so by entering the command NHPoisson
This brings up the list of mirrors to
select the package from. I selected my preferred mirror
Once the mirror is selected, the
package is downloaded and installed on the machine.
Generating a bimodal distribution of events
Now we would like to generate a bimodal
distribution for car arrivals. In our scenario, we have two peaks,
first at 9:00 AM and other at 5:30 PM. Assuming 3 cars per minute on
average, we can assume that during first peak, the standard deviation
is 2, as morning peak is more pronounced. The standard deviation
during the second peak can be assumed at 3 as evening peaks can be
more dispersed.
Using the above assumptions, we can run
the following script in R. If you launched R as administrator to
download and install packages, it is better to quit and come back in
as a non-administrative user (without sudo).
To create the bimodal dataset, we will
create a function (shown below) that generates a bimodal distribution
with supplied means and standard deviations.
mu1 <- 9 # morning peak
mu2 <- 17.5 # evening peak
sig1 <- 2 # standard deviation for morning
sig2 <- 3 # standard deviation for evening
cpct <- 0.48 # probability
bimodalDistFunc <- function (n,cpct, mu1, mu2, sig1, sig2) {
y0 <- rlnorm(n,mean=mu1, sd = sig1)
y1 <- rlnorm(n,mean=mu2, sd = sig2)
flag <-rbinom(n,size=1,prob=cpct)
y <- y0*(1 - flag) + y1*flag
assuming average arrival rate of 3 cars per minute for the overall
duration and assuming 24 hours of data to be generated
<- bimodalDistFunc(n=3*60*24,cpct,mu1,mu2, sig1,sig2)
The last command generates a histogram
for the generated distribution.
We can plot per minute arrivals, using
the following formula
hist(log(bimodalData), breaks=24*60)
Running the above command, we can see
the following graph generated.
Generating Non-homogenous Poisson time events
Now we can generate the data we need
for the non homogenous poisson distribution.
First we need to load the NHPoisson
library, if not already loaded. Also, what we really need for the
poisson events is the per minute frequency of arrivals that needs to
be fed in. For this, we will use the table function.
If we plot the generated data using the
following command
we get the following chart.
That is it, we have generated a
non-homogenous poisson event. If we want to see the actual data, we
can see using the following command. This shows the arrival events of
individual cars.
I am sure there is room for
improvement, but it is an adequate structure to get started.