First I have set environmental variables to connect to PostgreSQL in my environment. These are as follows
export PGUSER=nyc export PGPASSWORD=nyc export PGDATABASE=nyc
Next, we will launch R, and load the required library, rgdal. If you don't have rgdal installed, please refer to initial steps of my earlier post.
Now lets get started
# 05a_connect_ped_postgis.r # Load required library library(rgdal)
This loads the library
Next we read the PostgreSQL connection parameters from the shell environment using Sys.getenv command
#Set PostgreSQL connection parameters from the environment pguser<-Sys.getenv('PGUSER') pgpassword<-Sys.getenv('PGPASSWORD') pgdatabase<-Sys.getenv('PGDATABASE')
Next we create the database connection by concatenating all variables into a connection string using the paste function in R , and we print to confirm we have it right.
#Make connection to PostGIS database dsn<-paste("PG:dbname='",pgdatabase,"' user='",pguser,"' password='",pgpassword,"'",sep='') dsn
Now we can use the ogrListLayers command to make sure we can see our previously loaded data.
The command makes a connection to the database and lists all layers registered with PostGIS. Now we can also look up the details for a specific layer of our choice using ogrInfo function
ogrInfo(dsn, "nystaging.fatality")
Here is the complete listing..
# 05a_connect_ped_postgis.r # Load required library library(rgdal) #Set PostgreSQL connection parameters from the environment pguser<-Sys.getenv('PGUSER') pgpassword<-Sys.getenv('PGPASSWORD') pgdatabase<-Sys.getenv('PGDATABASE') #Make connection to PostGIS database dsn<-paste("PG:dbname='",pgdatabase,"' user='",pguser,"' password='",pgpassword,"'",sep='') dsn ogrListLayers(dsn) ogrInfo(dsn, "nystaging.fatality")