Adding a New User to ApacheDS using Apache Directory Studio
In this post, we will see how to add a
new user to ApacheDS using Apache Directory Studio. Steps for
installing ApacheDS and Apache Directory Studio were published in
previous blogs. This is the link for Apache DS and here is the link for Apache Directory Studio.
Ensuring the LDAP service is running
Often, I find upon booting my machine does not startup by default. I am still trying to resolve that. Till then, first thing remains to make sure that ApacheDS is running in the background. We need to test this by entering the following command.
> sudo
/etc/init.d/apacheds-1.5.7-default status
We can see that the server process is
running. Next step is to launch the Apache Directory Studio and
connect to the apacheds configuration we had defined earlier.
Connecting to Apache DS through Apache Directory Studio
In a previous post, I had walked through the steps to define a new connection using Apache Directory Studio. For this post, we assume that the previous configuration is already saved and we can connect using the saved connection configuration as shown below.
Next we would like to create a new
user, by clicking on the DIT node and navigating to the ou=users node
as shown below, and right clicking to select the New option from the
contextual menu as shown below (Make sure to click the “New Entry”
option and not the “New Context Entry” option.)
Choose the option to Use the Existing
Entry as template as shown below and click on “Next”.
In the next screen, user will be
prompted to enter one structural object class for creating the new
user. Select inetOrgPerson as the object class as shown below.
Once selected, click on “Add” to
add the object class to the list of selected object classes. Doing
so, also adds other object classes from the inetOrgPerson object
hierarchy as shown in the screen below.
Enter the following details to create a
valid acccount as shown below.
Parent: ou=users,ou=system
uid = jdoe
and click on Next
Enter the following details.
cn : John Doe
Also, enter the value sn as Doe. You
can edit the empty value fields by double clicking the empty value
field. Don't click “Finish” yet as we have to do one more thing.
Creating the password for the New User
As mentioned, we need to enter one
custom field. Click on the New Attribute button as shown in the
screenshot below.
Clicking on the “New Attribute”
word shows the list of attributes. Select, the attribute type as
Clicking on “Next” brings the
prompt to enter the language and locale for the field value. Choose
the attribute value as “en-US” as shown below (or a different
one, if applicable in your case).
Clicking on “Finish” brings the
prompt to enter the field value. Enter a password value that is
applicable as shown below.
Clicking on “OK” would bring the
following list of attributes.
There we go, we have the user account
That's it!