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Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Download and Install Apache Directory Studio on Ubuntu 12.04

In this post, I am going to walk step by step on how to install Apache Directory Studio. In my previous post, I had walked through the steps to install ApacheDS as a LDAP on Ubuntu

Now, to install Apache Directory Studio, you need to first access the site to check for the latest release of the Studio.

You will see a screen as below

At the time of this post, version 1.5.3 was the most stable version available. To proceed, access the link for Apache Directory Studio 1.5.3 on the navigation pane on the left. You will see the following screen.

Click the link for downloading the Linux version.

For my machine, I chose the 64 bit version Linux x86_64. Once downloaded, I copied the installation to my software folder from my downloads folder.

Now, to install this open a terminal window and unzip the tar.gz file. In my case, the command is as follows

> tar -xvf ApacheDirectoryStudio-linux-x86_64-1.5.3.v20100330.tar.gz

This will unzip the contents as follows.

We can see that a new folder has been created with the unzipped contents. Not only that, it also contains an executable for the Studio program.

Let's go ahead and execute the application by entering the following.

> ./ApacheDirectoryStudio

Hitting enter show a splash screen for the program.

This will be followed by the directory studio loading with a blank screen.

The first step is to connect to an LDAP instance. In a previous post, I had walked through the steps for installing a LDAP server on your Ubuntu machine. Let's go ahead and connect to that LDAP server. To do so, click on the LDAP top level menu and click on menuitem “New Connection ,,,”

I entered the following details on my connection window

Name: apacheds (any random name that you can understand will do)
Hostname: (a fully qualified domain name I created by entering a dummy one in the /etc/hosts file)
Port: 10389 (This is the default port on which apacheds is installed.)
Encryption method: No encryption method

Clicking on button for “Check Network Parameter”, confirms that we have the right credentials.

Click OK to close the modal dialog, and click Next to enter credentials. Enter the following parameters in the next screen.

Authentication Method: Simple Authentication
Bind DN or user: uid=admin,ou=system (This is the default for a fresh apacheds install.)
Bind password: secret (This is the default for a fresh apacheds install.)

Click on the button “Check Authentication” to confirm if the parameters are entered correctly.

Great! Click OK to close the modal dialog and click on “Next” to get to the following screen.

It shows a screen, where you can enter additional details, but I did not change anything on this screen and moved ahead.

Finally, on the last screen, the Studio application prompts you to modify some preferences. Once again, I did not change anything.

Now, click Finish, and you should be able to see the following screen.

Now we can see our Directory server setup and correctly installed.

Next we will configure this environment. A few things we need to configure include setting up the password. In this step, we will change the password.

Click on the following nodes to expand the following sub-nodes on the tree control on the LDAP browser.

ROOT > ou=system > uid=admin

After selecting, uid=admin, you will be shown an attribute called userPassword.

Double-clicking the attribute, will open a dialog box where we can update the userPassword. First, we need to re-enter the old password (which was the word “secret” for the default installation).

Entering the default password, and clicking on “Verify” button, will show a dialog box as shown below.

Next, we need to enter the new password. For that click on the “Ok” button to go back to the Password Editor and click on the “New Password” tab.

Enter the new password, and if needed change the encryption method. I left the encryption method as the default “SHA”, but did enter a new password, as shown below.

That'sit! The password is now changed.

Now, we have configured our LDAP server and shown how to configure the default password.

Have fun!