In a separate blog post
I have started listing Social KPIs and Measures that could be used
for measuring a range of social development outcomes. In this post, I
will see how we can combine all these to create a BI dashboard that
is driven by the performance of different government organizations
using open source tools.
Starting Pentaho BI Server
In previous posts, we discussed
installing Pentaho
BI Server Community Edition, as well as Community
Dashboard Tools on top of it. Let us navigate to the place our
Pentaho BI Server is installed and start the Tomcat instance that
ships with it.
On my machine, it as follows
> cd
> ./
Logging in the instance with the
default username and password, we are shown the familar screen
containing the home page.
I decided to check some sample
dashboards and accessed the Google Maps dashboard on Steel Wheels
sample, only to be told that since I was not on localhost, I should
obtain a new Google key.
Turns out Google has deprecated much of
the API key. The new API key management is centralized and it shows
all the services that are available and their activation status.
As you can see, I activated the Google
Maps API v2 and v3. Now clicking on the label for API v2, takes one
to the page where the default key is visible. I deleted that key and
could see a page as below.
I clicked on the button to create a new
browser key, and entered the server address as below.
Clicking on the Create button, creates
the key.
I now navigated to the folder on the BI
Server installation, where google settings are stored. I can see a
single file called googlesettings.xml.
I opened the file for editing in the
text editor and entered the new key.
Now, we can go back to the application,
restart Tomcat key and see the dashboard as follows.
We have the demo running now. In future
posts, we will setup our own dashboards.