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Saturday, June 8, 2013

Download and Install Apache Geronimo 3.x on Linux

Apache Geronimo is an open source server runtime that integrates multiple open source projects to create Java/OSGi server runtimes. To install Apache Geronimo access the following site.

You will see a screen as follows:

Now access the link to download latest version of Apache Geronimo (Version 3.0.1) at the time of this writing.

Clicking on the latest release link provided me access to the following page, where I proceeded to download the Full Release version.

Clicking the “Certified Java EE 6 Full Profile Release” link above takes you to a page showing list of Apache Mirrors from where the software can be downloaded.

I downloaded the tar file for Linux on my local machine on a new folder I had created for this task. Later I unzipped the archive to extract the contents with the following commands.

$ cd Work/Servers/Geronimo/
$ gzip -dv geronimo-tomcat7-javaee6-3.0.1-bin.tar.gz

This converted the file to tar version. Next I extracted the tar

$ tar -xvf geronimo-tomcat7-javaee6-3.0.1-bin.tar

On execution, a folder is created containing the extracted files.

Changing the default HTTP port

By default, Apache Geronimo listens on port 8080 for the HTTP traffic. On my machine, I already had several Tomcat distributions installed as part of other distributions, so I needed to change the default port. To see which ports are already used on your machine, you can follow the steps listed in my previous post on the topic.

To change the default port on Geronimo to an unused port on my machine, I needed to do the following steps.

$ cd geronimo-tomcat7-javaee6-3.0.1
$ cd var/config

Geronimo configuration is contained in the config file, which we can view by doing the following:

$ gedit config.xml

This shows the file

As we can see, the above file actually references variables for accessing the values. Turns out, the actual values are stored in a different file in the same folder, called “”. I opened the file for editing and made following changes to the file

HTTPPort = 8086
HTTPSPort = 8447
AJPPort = 8113

After saving the changes, we come back to the bin folder to start geronimo.

$ cd ../../bin
$ ./geronimo start

To check the console, we can type the command.

$ tail -f var/log/geronimo.log

Accessing Apache Geronimo on a browser

Now launch a browser and enter the address http://localhost:8086/ (If you did not change the default port, you should be able to access http://localhost:8080/ instead). If you see a screen like below, Apache Geronimo is installed.

Access the url http://localhost:8086/console and enter user name /password as system/ manager to login.

Upon logging in you should see a screen as below.

That's it, Apache Geronimo is installed.