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Sunday, June 2, 2013

Changing the default port for opentaps 1.5 installation

During installation of opentaps 1.5 (described in this post), I needed to change the default port. By default, opentaps get deployed to listen on port 8080. I already had several Tomcat instances deployed with previous software installs. After testing which ports were already used (described in a previous post), I decided to configure the instance to listen on port 8084.

This requires port entries to be changed in two places. The configuration file for ofbiz-containers as well as the configuration file for jetty-containers.

First, I navigated to the folder where OpenTaps was unzipped in a terminal window. Then I edited the ofbiz-containers.xml folder as shown below.

$ gedit ./framework/base/config/ofbiz-containers.xml

Within the file, look for the port entry 8080. Change it to 8084.

Next in the same folder, edit another file called jetty-containers.xml. Again change the port entry from 8080 to 8084, as shown below.

With these two files changed and saved, I started the opentaps instance by entering the start command. The rest of the installation is described in my original post.