I tried accessing Postgresql
user from my default login on Ubuntu (this is not a sudoer level user) and was unable to do so.
> psql
Gave the following response
So, I needed to add the currently
logged in Ubuntu user to the postgresql list of users. For that I
switched to the postgres user by entering the following and the
postgres user password in the response.
> su – postgres
That made postgres user the current
user in my Ubuntu session.
Now, to add the database user for
current user as follows:
> createuser --superuser arthgallo
Where arthgallo is my OS level user
Now, we need to enter the password for
this database level user. For that, lets login to the psql prompt
using the postgres user.
At the psql prompt, enter the command to update the password for arthgallo user.
At the psql prompt, enter the command to update the password for arthgallo user.
psql > \password arthgallo
Enter your OS level password twice
Now quit the psql prompt using '\q' and
'exit' from the postgres user by entering 'exit'. Thus should bring
you back to the OS level prompt for your user (arthgallo) in my case.
Enter the command to create the default
> createdb arthgallo
Now start the psql prompt, and you
should be connecting to postgresql session with your default
That's it!!