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Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Customizing the bullet graph in Ctools on Pentaho BI Server Community Edition

Continuing on my posts on Executive dashboards and Open source BI platform (specifically Pentaho), I would like to start with perhaps the most important graph component to start off an executive dashboard in my opinion - bullet graph. Conceived by Stephen Few in now a famous specification, bullet graphs get to the point without unnecessary frills.

In my previous post, we had started building a BI dashboard using a 3 column layout using the Pentaho BI Server. Luckily, out of the box bullet graphs in Pentaho community edition are already very compelling. In this post, we will customize the Bullet graph to match the ideal look and feel that I wanted for the dashboard utilizing customizations that are not that widely known.

Here is what I want my final bullet graph to look like.

We will start with the steps to create a simple bullet graph, followed by the steps to customizing it.

Creating the simple bullet graph

Adding a bullet graph in Pentaho BI Server community edition is a simple task. First in the Layout view, identify a column where we will drop our chart. To add a simple bullet graph, switch to the components tab, navigate to the charts section on the left and click on CCC Bullet Chart link.

Clicking on the link will add a new chart component to our configuration. We can enter some details as follows.

Parameter Value Description
Name SimpleBulletGraph Name of the component instance
Width 300 Width in pixels
Height 100 Height in pixels
Bullet Title “” Title of the bullet graph. In case, the graph is created for multiple categories, one bullet title appears for each bullet graph.
Bullet subtitle “” Subtitle of the bullet graph
Bullet Measures 90 The observed measure for this performance indicator
Bullet Markers 95 A marker, such as a target value for this performance indicator
Bullet Ranges [25,50,75,100] A coloured range showing ranges of poor, acceptable, good and excellent values or similar to help the audience interpret the data.
Title Simple Bullet Graph A title for all the graphs. In case, the graph is created for multiple categories, one bullet title appears for all the bullet graphs. Usually appears on top of the graph.
HtmlObject Panel_1 Name of the placeholder for the graph. Clicking on backspace in the text input box, displays the list of available html containers.

Clicking on preview, we can see how the out of the box bullet graph looks like.

Customizing the bullet graph

We needed to customize the bullet graph to make it match the overall site as well as apply some information architecture principles.

These include the following changes
  1. Modifying range colors
  2. Modifying the marker symbol (target value)
  3. Modifying the bar color (measure symbol) based on value relative to scale
  4. Modifying scale look and feel
  5. Modifying look and feel of the measure value.

Modifying range colors and marker symbol

Lets add another bullet graph to the second panel and set the properties very similar to our first graph.

Parameter Value Description
Name chtQualityOfLife Name of the component instance
Width 300 Width in pixels
Height 100 Height in pixels
Bullet Title “” Title of the bullet graph. In case, the graph is created for multiple categories, one bullet title appears for each bullet graph.
Bullet subtitle “” Subtitle of the bullet graph
Bullet Measures 90 The observed measure for this performance indicator
Bullet Markers 95 A marker, such as a target value for this performance indicator
Bullet Ranges [25,50,75,100] A coloured range showing ranges of poor, acceptable, good and excellent values or similar to help the audience interpret the data.
Title Quality of Life A title for all the graphs. In case, the graph is created for multiple categories, one bullet title appears for all the bullet graphs. Usually appears on top of the graph.
HtmlObject Panel_2 Name of the placeholder for the graph. Clicking on backspace in the text input box, displays the list of available html containers.

Now lets click on Advanced Properties link for the chart configuration (note the position of the mouse cursor in screenshot below).

This is what the screen looks like.

Click on the property Extension points, and add the following entries.

Parameter Value Description
bulletRange_fillStyle function(){return ["#9C9384","#DED2A0","#F2EED5","#FEFDF9"][this.index];} Changes the fill color for the ranges to a set of custom colors from the default grey. Note that number of elements in the array need to match the Bullet Ranges.
bulletMeasure_fillStyle #43578A Color of the bar
bulletMarker_shape Bar Shape of the Marker (Target) symbol
bulletMarker_lineWidth 3 Width of the Marker symbol
bulletMarker_strokeStyle #A11E13 Color of the line

Saving these settings and previewing the dashboard gives the following

Here is a close up of the updated bullet graph.

In the next post, we will see how to apply conditional formatting to the same bullet graph to make some values stand out.