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Saturday, May 4, 2013

Download and Install GeoMondrian

In this post we are going to walk through the steps for downloading and installing GeoMondrian. Geo-Mondrian is a spatially enabled version of Pentaho Analysis Services (Mondrian) and is available from the site Essentially it is what is called a Spatial OLAP Server or SOLAP.

The first step is to ofcourse navigate to this site.

The page indicates that GeoMondrian is available from the Spatialytics market. Accessing the link, the following screen was shown.

I added the software to my shopping cart and proceeded to checkout.

Selecting the checkout link displayed a screen where I had the option to sign in or continue as a Guest. I decided to continue as a guest.

I had to provide my email address for the site to send me a download link.

Accessing the link from my email, took me to the following page which then provided a link to download.

I downloaded the file and logged into my Tomcat administrator to deploy the file. To see how to enable administration on Tomcat, you can refer to my previous post on this topic.

The other option was to copy the web archive (.war) file to the webapps folder within Tomcat. I avoided that initially since it was a more cumbersome option.

Within Tomcat administration, I selected the option to deploy a new web archive. I selected the option to upload the geomondrian war file to the Tomcat instance.

Then I clicked on the button to deploy. I got the following error, essentially saying that the file was too big to be uploaded.

I tried looking for setting the default maximum value on the Tomcat instance by opening the server.xml file for editing.

In it, I updated the maximum file size restriction under the connector by setting the maxPostSize to 0 as shown below.

I restarted Tomcat, and tried the previous step but got the same error. Finally, I decided to go the old fashioned way of copying the web archive to the webapps folder.

I checked the Tomcat manager screen and the new context was created and the geomondrian application deployed.

Accessing the GeoMondrian url showed me the following link indicating that the application had been deployed.

In the next post, I will describe how to deploy and setup the GeoMondrian workbench.

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